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Many of you could have performed a lot better on the six weeks test if you had simply taken your time and not been so intimidated by a "Science" test.

When you tkae the TAKS test in the eleventh grade you need to be confident and self assured. Most of the test is going to have charts and graphs on it. You have to become more comfortable with reading them. I knoticed from all the classes as I reviewed the test, that you knew you could have done a lot better. Take your time, do not rush. You will always have the opportunity to finish yiour test.

On the next test I hope to see more care and confidence. You will see some of the questions from the first test ion the second six weeks test, so remeber to review those questions you missed at least trwice a week. Just read them over. As the year goes on we will be adding more and mroe questions to the TAKS section of your binders. That wai when you reach the eleventh grade you will have a library of TAKS science questions to study from.


bacteria shapes

Typical virus sphere

Rod-shaped bacteria. Known as bacillus.